Eggplant-Useful Medicinal Values

Nutrients Of Eggplants And Its Remedies

Eggplant is a pulp type vegetable. There are small sesame like seeds in the pulp. Today you can find eggplants that are long and thin, short and fat and also round and comes in many hues: pure white, green, yellow, purple or almost black.


In terms of nutrition, the eggplant is rich in vitamin A and phosphorus compared to other vegetables. It also contains vitamins B1, B2 and C.


Dieters should love eggplant, being low in calories and fat and yet contain ample amounts of protein, iron, calcium, sodium, niacin and B vitamins. 100 grams eggplant contains 1.7 mg protein, o.1 mg fat, 1.5 mg calcium, 2.0 mg phosphorus, 0.6 mg iron, 9 mg sodium, 15 mcg vitamin A, 0.07 mg Vitamin B1, 0.05 mg vitamin B2, 0.7 mg niacin and 18.4 mg vitamin C.


The unripe eggplant is believed to be cardio tonic (stimulates the heart), able to improve the appetite as well as enrich the blood. The ripe eggplant is taken by some people as a laxative.


A paste of the leaves or a decoction of the roots is used to treat syphilis, a contagious venereal disease, or applied on wounds. The ashes of eggplant are used (in a dry hot poultice) on hemorrhoids. The pounded roots are applied inside the nostrils  for ulcers.


Eggplant may also lower blood pressure and can be cooked with various methods and without the side effects of taking medicine.

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